Thursday, February 26, 2009

One Hour Photo

One hour photo is about a lonly man that works at a 1 Hour photo lab. He begins creeping on a family. For quite awhile actually he has a home that is full of pictures of this family. A weird obsession and disconnection from reality. You feel pitty for the man and care but disgusted with his strange obsession for the family. His work is his haven his home is lonely hell and the family is a dream. The movie takes a stranger twist when he finds out that the man in the family is cheating on the wife (who he considers a goddess). He trys to break them apart by putting a picture (the misstress' photo) of the two committing the adultry. The wife despite seeing the planted photo doesn't react to it in the sense of breaking off the relationship. Sy (the creepy photo tec) then follows the husband and the mistress to a hotel where he holds them hostage with a knife and gets them to perform sexual acts and he takes pictures. The police are hot on his trail and the sense of the worse (sy killing them) is to come. The police capture Sy and the family is reuinited.
This film was weird but kind of confusing at the end. Sy says "I only wanted to take Picutres." and he asks for his photos he took. The pictures are of mondaine things and not of what the film had showed. I asked other students about and they seemed to be confused too. Besides the confusing end the main character played by Robin Williams was brilliant.

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